
This picture taken on January 20, 2021 shows Bulgarian Infection disease specialist Dr Maria Bogoeva, 82, taking a short break during her shift in a Covid-19 unit in the hospital of Doupnitsa, a municipality with 50,000 inhabitants which is desperately la

82 évesen a fronton

Dr. Maria Bogoeva a bulgáriai Doupnitsa kórházának infektológusa, ami önmagában még nem rendkívüli, sok kórházban dolgoznak fertőző betegségekkel foglalkozó orvosok. Bogoeva doktornő azért érdekes, mert ő 82 évesen végzi ezt a munkát. A járvány kitörésekor jött vissza nyugdíjból, ugyanis a kórház másik infektológusa a fertőzéstől tartva nyugdíjba vonult, így szakorvos nélkül maradt az intézmény. Bár már nem engedik közvetlen fertőző beteg közelébe, életkorát meghazudtolva dolgozik a covid-osztályon és segít a kollégák által összegyűjtött adatok alapján a betegek kezelésének megtervezésében. A doktornő Bulgária legidősebb aktív orvosa.

This picture taken on January 20, 2021 shows Bulgarian Infection disease specialist Dr Maria Bogoeva, 82, taking a short break during her shift in a Covid-19 unit in the hospital of Doupnitsa, a municipality with 50,000 inhabitants which is desperately laThis picture taken on January 20, 2021 shows Bulgarian Infection disease specialist Dr Maria Bogoeva, 82, taking a short break during her shift in a Covid-19 unit in the hospital of Doupnitsa, a municipality with 50,000 inhabitants which is desperately laThis picture taken on January 20, 2021 shows Bulgarian Infection disease specialist Dr Maria Bogoeva, 82, taking a short break during her shift in a Covid-19 unit in the hospital of Doupnitsa, a municipality with 50,000 inhabitants which is desperately laThis picture taken on January 20, 2021 shows Bulgarian Infection disease specialist Dr Maria Bogoeva, 82, taking a short break during her shift in a Covid-19 unit in the hospital of Doupnitsa, a municipality with 50,000 inhabitants which is desperately laThis picture taken on January 20, 2021 shows Bulgarian Infection disease specialist Dr Maria Bogoeva, 82, taking a short break during her shift in a Covid-19 unit in the hospital of Doupnitsa, a municipality with 50,000 inhabitants which is desperately laThis picture taken on January 20, 2021 shows Bulgarian Infection disease specialist Dr Maria Bogoeva, 82, taking a short break during her shift in a Covid-19 unit in the hospital of Doupnitsa, a municipality with 50,000 inhabitants which is desperately laThis picture taken on January 20, 2021 shows Bulgarian Infection disease specialist Dr Maria Bogoeva, 82, taking a short break during her shift in a Covid-19 unit in the hospital of Doupnitsa, a municipality with 50,000 inhabitants which is desperately laThis picture taken on January 20, 2021 shows Bulgarian Infection disease specialist Dr Maria Bogoeva, 82, taking a short break during her shift in a Covid-19 unit in the hospital of Doupnitsa, a municipality with 50,000 inhabitants which is desperately laThis picture taken on January 20, 2021 shows Bulgarian Infection disease specialist Dr Maria Bogoeva, 82, taking a short break during her shift in a Covid-19 unit in the hospital of Doupnitsa, a municipality with 50,000 inhabitants which is desperately laThis picture taken on January 20, 2021 shows Bulgarian Infection disease specialist Dr Maria Bogoeva, 82, taking a short break during her shift in a Covid-19 unit in the hospital of Doupnitsa, a municipality with 50,000 inhabitants which is desperately laThis picture taken on January 20, 2021 shows Bulgarian Infection disease specialist Dr Maria Bogoeva, 82, taking a short break during her shift in a Covid-19 unit in the hospital of Doupnitsa, a municipality with 50,000 inhabitants which is desperately laThis picture taken on January 20, 2021 shows Bulgarian Infection disease specialist Dr Maria Bogoeva, 82, taking a short break during her shift in a Covid-19 unit in the hospital of Doupnitsa, a municipality with 50,000 inhabitants which is desperately laThis picture taken on January 20, 2021 shows Bulgarian Infection disease specialist Dr Maria Bogoeva, 82, taking a short break during her shift in a Covid-19 unit in the hospital of Doupnitsa, a municipality with 50,000 inhabitants which is desperately la

2014 júniusában az iszlám dzsihádisták észak-iraki hadjárata során Moszul és vidéke az Iszlám Állam elnevezésű dzsihadista szervezet fegyvereseinek kezére került, akik több véres atrocitást hajtottak végre a síita és a keresztény lakosság ellen. A város csaknem három évig szenvedett az ISIS fennhatósága alatt, de az iraki kormányerők és szövetségeseinek kilenc hónapos ostromában a város felszabadult a szélsőségesek uralma alól. A közvetlen életveszély megszűnt, de az egymillió hétszázezres lakosság nagy része elmenekült vagy meghalt, az ostromban ronggyá lőtt infrastruktúrához nem nyúltak, a lakosok állami kártalanításáról nincs hír, a gazdasági válság miatt pedig a belváros újjáépítéséről sem lehet szó. A még élő tulajdonosok szabadulnának ingatlanaiktól, hogy a külvárosban építkezhessenek, de vevő nincs a romokra. Nézze meg, hogy néz ki az óváros napjainkban!